A Teen Perspective on Cyberbullying

A Teen Perspective on Cyberbullying

Future Voices of Ireland is a Non-Government Organisation that was formed by a group of solicitors in hope that the voices of today’s youth could be listened to and heard by society. Future Voices places an emphasis on young people being able to use their voices to speak up on current changes in law, especially the laws that regard Children’s Rights and the Constitution of Ireland. The main objective of Future Voices is to safeguard our future, our voices, our generation. In this article Webwise is delighted to bring you a piece by two participants in Future Voices, Nickole Borja and Adam Lyons.The piece below gives a teen perspective on cyberbullying and includes some good ideas for parents on how to engage with their teenage offspring on a level playing field.


By Nickole Borja and Adam Lyons


How many more lives are needed to be lost in order for us to act? Let’s use our own voice to give the victims, real people, a chance to be heard throughout society. Together, le chéile, we can speak up for the silenced and make their voices echo throughout our communities to send a message to the bullies, both online and offline. We can end their suffering and prevent further victims by raising awareness of the hidden dangers online and enable the parents to receive the opportunity to experience social networking sites, smartphones, tablets and the internet through a teenager’s perspective so that they realise how you are inclined to be easily consumed within these sites and how they can expertly pacify the dangers and risks that the user is unaware of.

The definition of cyberbullying is being harassed or verbally abused online. It often takes place at home and at night. Although it is another form of bullying, the impact is equally, and in some cases, a much more malicious act of discrimination. Cyberbullies use the anonymity that the internet provides to continuously provoke and taunt an individual or group of individuals.

The consequences that follow after the victim is bullied are often delayed and eventually abandoned due to the anonymity of users. This makes it difficult to catch the bully and leads the victim to be physically and emotionally scarred throughout his/her life. Nowadays, teenagers are having increasingly traumatic experiences due to cyberbullying. Teenagers find it difficult to talk to someone about their problems and a visit to a therapist can only do so much.

Cyberbullying has become a major issue among today’s youth as some are finding it difficult to cope with this aggressive behaviour and have contemplated and eventually attempt suicide. It is no longer a case of “blocking” someone online as bullying happens outside of social media (offline victims). The victim will find it more difficult to tolerate such behaviour and soon have immense difficulty in overcoming these problems if the negative behaviour goes unreported.

Trust is key in encouraging victims to talk about their problems. The rise of technology in such a short space of time has changed how people interact socially with family and friends. There are social networking sites which allow you to see another person electronically, with the use of a camera. This lowers the possibility of physical human interaction on a daily basis and teenagers have become more socially active online since the rise of social networking sites. Recent years has seen a massive increase in users seemingly updating their status 24/7 with teenagers proclaiming to the whole world on their whereabouts or what they are doing and even when they are planning to do it.

Parents need to be more aware of the risks and dangers associated with the internet. They need to attempt to interact with their children more often to build this trust and so that children feel free to talk to their parents about their online experiences. One way to do this would be to set up workshops where a child and a parent could attend together to be taught basic internet safety guidelines and how to protect their online identity.

Cyberbullying is a major issue that needs to be addressed as the numbers of unreported incidents are rapidly growing as shown on: http://www.bullyingstatistics.org/content/cyber-bullying-statistics.html.

Talk to someone

Worried about something you have seen online or concerned about your child? Childline and the National Parents Council Primary offer free advice and support service.

Childline is a support service for young people up to the age of 18.There is a 24hr telephone, online and mobile phone texting service.

Get started

The National Parents Council Primary enables and empowers parents to be effective partners in their children’s education.

01 887 4477

Report Illegal Content

Sometimes you might unwittingly stumble across illegal online content like child abuse imagery. Always remember: you can report it and get it removed using Hotline.ie.

More on illegal content

Make a report

Hotline.ie exists to combat the distribution and proliferation of illegal content, like child sexual
abuse content, in conjunction with police and Internet Industry