What is Be in Ctrl?
Be in Ctrl created in partnership with An Garda Síochána seeks to inform school leaders and teachers about the online sexual coercion and extortion of children and how a school can address this issue, in collaboration with students’ parents. The resource contains three lessons to support schools as they address the issue in the context of the Social, Personal and Health Education (SPHE) programme.
The Be in Ctrl resource focuses on the online sexual coercion and extortion of young people by adults but this behaviour can also exist in a peers’ environment. The Be in Ctrl resource complements Lockers and both resources focus on educating students on appropriate online behaviour and developing a culture of reporting concerns while fostering empathy, respect and resilience. It is recommended Lockers is used in the SPHE class before the Be in Ctrl resource.
Please note: Following recent amends to legislation and the introduction of Coco’s Law, updates to the legal information in the Be in Ctrl Resource have been made. Please familiarise yourself with the most up to date legislation here.

Protect yourself online
If someone is trying to get you to send them money or threatening you for more explicit images or videos, it is illegal, you a victim of a crime. The most important thing is to seek help and you should report it with An Gardaí Síochána. They will take your case seriously, and deal with it in confidence, without judging you.
Garda Schools Programme
The Garda Schools Programme provides information to young people on substance use, personal safety, and cyber safety, and achieves this through Gardaí visiting the classroom and engaging in discussion with the students. The Garda Schools Programme is an integrated part of the SPHE programme. A possible precursor to using this resource is to have the Gardaí deliver lesson one, and the ‘Be in Ctrl talk’ as part of the Garda Schools Programme.


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