The Granny Rule

The Granny Rule


Ardscoil Mhuire in Limerick took their own spin on the Granny Rule and created a station called The Nana Test. They even had Nana dressed up who checked their answers and see if she approved of their answers.

“If you wouldn’t show a picture to your granny then it probably shouldn’t be online!”


Time: 20- 30 minutes

Need: Students own devices (use our PowerPoint slide)

Instructions: Have students take out their phones and have a look at the last photos they took with friends.

Then have the students use the Share or Delete checklist to help decide if these photos should be shared publicly online.

Extension Activity: This could be a good warmer to get students talking about how often they take photographs, how they share them and their experiences with image-sharing. Use the full lesson on image-sharing for primary school students The Photo, or tackle image-sharing with secondary school students with Lockers.


Granny Rule


Print version here.



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